a couple of support or people we have done business with recently
(01) Inc authorities and their partners from all over the U.S.
(02) JJ gold- net 30
(03) Huntington bank -our institution
(04) Rebelion Designs - designed a lot of our goods- we bought them out.
(05) barkers bites- dog food connection
(06) Grainger- net 30 (batteries)
(07) U.L.C. for our beginning teaching both sides (Christian company) affiliated for products.
(08) Duns & Bradstreet-net 30 company credit bureaus.
(09) Nav technologies -net 30 company credit
(10) show gun roasting net 30 (coffee company)
(11) Gaia House Manistee female's rehab near Cadillac Michigan
(12) Grewe Crew they do our resin/ candle sales
(13) 800Accountants they do our accounts
(14) booths for the Buckley Engine show for product sales and representation for house of Pagan pride Inc and the Grewe crew- 3rd weekend in August. ** flea market**
(15) fetlife.com (in the Polyamorous sections) Look for DaMikial333 and that will be me. lots of good reading.