This is Elizabeth, she our representative in Manistee county, She Believes in the Christian witch ways so we support her as we would support your beliefs. If you have need for a priestess in that county or if you want to volunteer for the coven she is the person you will be contacting.

She is our Christian witch . If you would like more information on this Minister please contact the main office in Traverse City to get the information. (231)252-2165 we  will than contact you after getting her permission to give you the information you need. We do not just hand out personal information for safety and privacy  reasons with out consent of the person.

Elizabeth is also our Native American reference resource.

Christian Witch

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The concept of a Christian witch refers to an individual who combines Christian beliefs with practices traditionally associated with witchcraft. This syncretic approach involves a personal interpretation of Christianity where followers believe they can maintain a relationship with Jesus while engaging in witchcraft practices. Christian witches may integrate elements such as prayer and rituals, and some even view the miracles of Jesus as akin to magical acts. However, this belief system is controversial and often criticized by mainstream Christianity, which typically views witchcraft as incompatible with Christian doctrine. The Bible, particularly in its prohibitions against sorcery and divination, is cited by many Christians as evidence against the practice of witchcraft within the faith. Despite this, some individuals identify as Christian witches, seeking a spiritual path that embraces aspects of both traditions. It's important to note that this is a complex and sensitive topic, with varied opinions and interpretations among different groups and individuals.



Our basic needs come as food, water, warmth, and rest. Without these things you will not survive. You will do anything to get this unless you are truly broke in chi / spirit. 

 If you or your children are starving, then you would go against your core beliefs to get them or yourself fed. Without food after 4 days, you do not think straight, after seven to fifteen days you are either bed ridden and cannot talk, or you are dead. 

Without water your body starts shutting down and in three to seven days you will be dead with no fluids. 

Without warmth in your body, you will die. With this I add sex into the basic needs of humans, because sex will make heat and before man knew fire, we had each other. (Sex desire is different than having a true relationship.) I will get into that later in the writing. 

 without rest you will become deprived of brain function which will in turn will cause a lower quality of life to the point of death if it happens. Example falling asleep behind the wheel of a car.   


Security/ safety is important that your home (could as much as be as much as being next to a tree, a lake or in a house or in a Manchin it is where you feel safe.) family, property is safe. This is where you know you have that one place you will not be harmed from weather, predators, or just other people. This is where most people start working for things in their lives to secure what they do have. “Remember the grasshopper and the ant and tell me which one figured it out…life.” 


Belongingness is the need to be in a group or have friends of some sort or another. This is the desire to feel needed, and wanted by your peers, and members of the community such as the church Christian or pagan either one is a choice you can make. 

At this level you begin the romantics of a true relationship if you had not begun early. Getting a girlfriend, lover, wife, and or mistresses. This is what you concentrate on then you get children. 

Sex is mistaken quite often at this as a point of the pyramid as compassion or I belong to someone is normally felt in the first two layers of the pyramid. By the time you get to level three you should need that sense of belonging and feeling true Love having some self-control. 

This is where you choose to be polyamorous or monogamous by choice without fear of others condemning you for your choices in life. 


Esteem needs this is the feeling of accomplishment which will give prestige among your peers, and others around you. Example I got a premotion that raised my self-esteem and gave me a sense of accomplishments in turn have me the prestige in the community to be able to have pride in what I do. 



Self-fulfillment is achieving one’s full potential, including creative activities. 

For myself I am becoming one with my higher being/ inner self to be enlightened in the powers of heavens and earth to understand the meaning of why I am here and what the universe wants for me. For you it may be being the best husband or wife you can be. Perfecting what you have. 

 what you no longer need IS to gather and Concore but to learn from people, spirit, and thing around you to improve even more what you started with in the first place. 



1)What you choose to do with your life is up to you, these guidelines every student learned in civics class in school while I was growing up. 

2) Be careful of people who try to skip around on their path because that can hinder you in your lifestyle. 

3)If you do not know how to climb the pyramid there are people who can help you, and always remember to become a millionaire you do not follow a pulper.  

4)Your spiritual guides / leaders will help you if you ask and if they can in one form or another. 

5) If you teach your child to skip any of these steps they will fail and in turn you have failed as their guide in life. If you taught them and they ignore you that is on them 

6) When you have a level complete then you lose it, it will feel as though your world has ended, and you will do anything to get it back… be careful not to be taken by predators or thoughts of suicide. 

7) Understand that compassion toward your fellow man can help you in your climb to the top of your personal pyramid, and that it may enrich your life many folds over. Remember we are all on the same path. 

8) When you are having troubles remember the first point of life from your mother’s womb was breath, breathing is what you concentrate on when it gets tough. It will level out in your body. 

9) There are other paths or later to climb later after you get to the faith levels like the qabalah or your other religious orders, but remember this pyramid is what starts before anything. If you forget that then you may not succeed in your life. 


I the high priest personally thinks it this is a joke, but a Christian- which is (contradicts itself) monotheism (Christian) + polytheism (pagan)= what? You tell me, I gave you a way to inform me and I expect you to use it. Your literature will be placed here. Just having this page, I have gotten negative feedback by both sides, so feel lucky and absorb what you can. You to us are like having a half breed child in the nineteen thirties. Not wanted on either side out in the open, but most of your parents and kindred loves you in private as a human being. 

Christians have their own set of rules weather or not they follow them is totally up to them, the kindness they offer is supposed to be a gift that they let them/ us live. because in what they call "mother land" and for the converts that "follow the bible". What are they supposed to do with a non-Christian? Then tell me what happened to my life because them, no less the rest of my mix bread culture being torched, killed or imprisoned because they are good Christians doing right by their god. So, for letting us live we allow them to think it is possible for being with both of us, and their own god worshiping in your churches and ours as well. We are offering peace for us all to live to as a comrade mistrusting one another. I love my friends for who they are, and I do not have to pretend or prove who I am to no one because intern than they love me for who am and what I will always be. Yes, they are both pagan and Christian (yes, I have mixed friend ships)

 We have mixed families, we have mixed blood, mixed cultures why not mix or religious belief as well. I am trying to except you for who you are as a human.

How do you mix Polytheism with monotheism and actually get results?

I see Christians as another pagan faction because you have the father, the son, the holy ghost, you have the apostles, Mother Mary, and you have the angels. At any given time, I personally have seen them worship more than one of these. the three main gods of course are the father, son, and holy ghost. I am not just talking Catholics either. oh yah, do not forget about the engraved imaged at the front of the church... what does it say in your good book? PAGAN IS PAGAN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN NO MATTER WHAT COLOR YOU MAKE IT. My question is are you just a bard or a full-grown Druid? You believe what you have chosen to believe, so you can sleep at night while your children lie in their beds wounding what is tomorrow going to bring? is there a "Santa?", or this is what I done in school today.

In the king James version of the Bible, it is said to say a witch is to be put to death, yet saint peter was known for consorting with witches. Jesus himself go among the people a spread my word (like bards)." That did not mean become one of them people, just minister to their type of beings." Pride cometh before the fall brothers and sisters the lord said, "If you are too good for the least them you are too good for me." This is why part of the crusades started so folks let porch this for another day and go play some ball.

Computer definitions:

Christian wiccan is a term that some people use to describe a form of religious syncretism that combines elements of Christianity and Wicca. However, there is no consensus on what exactly constitutes a Christian wiccan, and whether such a thing is possible or coherent. Some critics argue that Christianity and Wicca are incompatible, as they have different views on the nature of God, the role of Jesus, the authority of scripture, the ethics of magic, and the afterlife. Others suggest that Christian wiccan is a valid expression of personal spirituality, as long as it respects the core beliefs and practices of both traditions. Christian wiccans may vary in how they blend the two faiths, such as by honoring Jesus as a deity, using Christian symbols in rituals, incorporating biblical teachings in spells, or celebrating both Christian and pagan holidays.

  Christian  thoughts on sexuality

The phrase "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" is a popular saying that suggests that cooking and providing good food is a reliable way to earn a man's affection. It implies that culinary skills can endear someone to a man, creating a pathway to his heart and emotions through the enjoyment of food. This idiom is often used humorously or affectionately to express the idea that the act of feeding someone well can forge a strong emotional connection. It reflects the value placed on the role of food in social and personal relationships, acknowledging that a shared meal or a well-prepared dish can be a powerful expression of care and affection.  The saying also touches on the broader cultural appreciation for good food as a central part of life and love. While it is a lighthearted expression, it encapsulates the idea that nurturing someone through food is a time-honored way to show love and care, potentially leading to deeper bonds and affection. However, it is important to note that this saying is a generalization and does not apply universally; relationships are complex and multifaceted, with numerous ways to express and receive love beyond the dinner table.

Love, as a complex and multifaceted emotion, manifests differently across various relationship structures, including polyamory and monogamy. Polyamory, derived from the Greek words "poly" (many) and "amor" (love), is the practice of engaging in multiple romantic relationships simultaneously with the consent and knowledge of all parties involved. It is characterized by a non-hierarchical approach to relationships, where emotional and sexual connections with multiple partners are not only possible but openly embraced. This structure allows for a diverse range of experiences and emotional support systems, potentially leading to a broader understanding of love and intimacy.

Monogamy, in contrast, is the practice of having an exclusive romantic relationship with one partner at a time. It is deeply rooted in cultural and religious traditions and has been the predominant relationship model in many societies. Monogamous relationships focus on building a deep, singular emotional connection, often associated with stability, security, and the traditional family structure. The exclusivity of monogamy is seen by many as a way to deepen the bond between two individuals, with love being shared and nurtured in a one-on-one setting.

The relationship between love and these two models can be seen in the way individuals express and experience intimacy, trust, and commitment. In polyamory, love is not limited to a single person; rather, it is expanded to include multiple partners, each with their own unique dynamic and connection. This can lead to a more expansive view of love, one that is fluid and adaptable to the needs and desires of the individuals involved. Communication, honesty, and consent are crucial in polyamorous relationships, as they ensure that all partners' needs and boundaries are respected.

In monogamous relationships, love is often expressed through exclusivity and the idea of a soulmate or life partner. The commitment to a single person is seen as a testament to the depth and seriousness of the relationship. Monogamy can provide a sense of security and predictability, which for some, fosters a strong foundation for love to flourish.

Both polyamory and monogamy have their own sets of challenges and benefits, and neither is inherently better or worse than the other. The choice between them depends on the individual's preferences, beliefs, and what they seek in a relationship. It is important to note that the success of any relationship, regardless of its structure, relies on mutual respect, communication, and the willingness to work through challenges together.

Ultimately, love in polyamory and monogamy relates to the way individuals choose to structure their relationships and the values they hold dear. Whether through multiple simultaneous partnerships or a single committed one, love remains a central and guiding force, shaping the experiences and choices of those involved. The exploration of love within these frameworks reflects the diversity of human relationships and the myriad ways in which we seek connection and fulfillment.

The King James Version of the Bible contains various verses that address the sanctity of marriage and the conditions under which divorce is discussed. For instance, Matthew 19:9 states that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery. Similarly, Mark 10:9 emphasizes that what God has joined together, man should not separate. These verses reflect the view that marriage is a binding covenant meant to last a lifetime. However, there are also passages that acknowledge the reality of divorce due to certain circumstances. For example, 1 Corinthians 7:15 mentions that if an unbelieving partner leaves, the believer is not bound in such circumstances, indicating that peace is the ultimate goal. The Bible also speaks to the importance of love and respect within marriage, as seen in Ephesians 5:33, which advises each one to love his wife as himself, and the wife to respect her husband. These teachings from the King James Version provide guidance on marriage and divorce, emphasizing the commitment and love expected in marriage, while also recognizing the complexities of human relationships and the potential for divorce in certain situations.

The King James Version of the Bible offers guidance on many aspects of life, including marriage and fidelity. Verses such as Hebrews 13:4 emphasize the sanctity of marriage, stating "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." This verse underscores the importance of faithfulness within marriage and the moral implications of infidelity. Similarly, Proverbs 18:22 highlights the value of finding a spouse, "Whoso find a wife find a good thing, and obtain favor of the LORD," suggesting that marriage is a blessing and should be treated with respect. On the topic of cheating, the Bible is clear in its condemnation. Proverbs 6:32 warns, "But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lack understanding: he that doeth it destroyed his own soul," indicating the deep spiritual consequences of such actions. These verses, among others, provide a framework for understanding the biblical perspective on marriage and cheating, encouraging commitment and integrity within the sacred bond of marriage. For those seeking to delve deeper into these topics, the King James Version of the Bible contains numerous passages that address the complexities of human relationships and ethics.

In the King James Version of the Bible, marriage is upheld as a sacred institution, with numerous verses emphasizing its importance and sanctity. For instance, Hebrews 13:4 states, "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." This verse highlights the dignity of marriage and the serious view taken on sexual immorality. Similarly, Ephesians 5:22-33 provides instructions for both husbands and wives, emphasizing love, respect, and the symbolic relationship between Christ and the church. On the other hand, lying is strongly condemned in the scriptures. Proverbs 12:22 declares, "Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight," showing a clear preference for truthfulness. Additionally, Colossians 3:9-10 advises, "Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds," which encourages honesty as a reflection of a renewed, righteous character. These teachings from the King James Bible illustrate the values of fidelity and truth in personal conduct and relationships.

The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, which is a translation of Christian scripture from the early 17th century, does not explicitly mention the term 'polyamory,' as it is a modern concept. However, the KJV does address marriage and sexual relationships extensively. Traditional interpretations of the KJV suggest that marriage is between one man and one woman, and sexual fidelity within this marriage is expected. Passages such as Hebrews 13:4, which states that marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure, are often cited in support of monogamous relationships. Additionally, 1 Corinthians 7:2 suggests that each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband, which has been interpreted as a directive towards monogamy.

In the context of polyamory, which involves having multiple consensual and open romantic relationships, there is no direct guidance in the KJV. However, the principles of fidelity and exclusivity in marriage are emphasized in various scriptures. For instance, the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:14 command not to commit adultery, which is traditionally understood as having a sexual relationship outside the marriage bond. The concept of polyamory, as understood today, challenges these traditional interpretations by proposing a different form of consensual and ethical non-monogamy.

It is important to note that interpretations of religious texts can vary widely, and some individuals may interpret the scriptures differently. There are discussions and debates within Christian communities about the nature of marriage, love, and relationships, including the topic of polyamory. Some argue that the central message of Christianity is love and that forms of relationships that are based on love and consent do not contradict the core teachings of the faith. Others hold firmly to the traditional view that marriage and sexual relationships should be strictly monogamous as they believe is outlined in the Bible.

In conclusion, while the King James Version of the Bible does not directly address the modern concept of polyamory, its teachings on marriage and sexual relationships have traditionally been interpreted to endorse monogamy. The discussion about polyamory in the context of Christianity is ongoing, with diverse opinions and interpretations among believers. It is a complex issue that touches on theology, personal beliefs, and the interpretation of ancient texts in the modern world.