The occupation that stared me in the soul, and now I can be hole. after years of C.N.A. work, and factory work I am finally doing what I need.

life coach, psychotherapist, religious council, Celtic Shamon, Reiki

lifetime of religious in multiple faiths study paid off. (hobby turned business)

Lord Michael Grewe CEO: and partner of the company we love.

Da is a Welsh term for father. I am the father of this company.

Well to talk about me now, I have been a lot of things for a lot of people but being a pagan minister ranks up there for me like being a dad. It is a gift you have your ups and downs and people have their flaws... in the end it does not pay to be negative all the time. One of the things I learned from my earthy father right along with the "basics" of the nine noble virtues. 

My Direct family that I am currently with follows a moral code and I try to teach it to all that is around me. Family first, loyalty with love, and death with honor, blessed be. May the Gods Bless you, as well as you bless the others around you. Hail to all the Gods.

In my family we have had a few sets of twins both fraternal and identical. I believe in our generation family had three set all in the same time era. So, to me it was no big deal, but I learned later on that in that time, they took Identical twins and tortured them to see how special they were. If you were known by the government or collages, you were a lab rat. I found that it is not all bad having a sibling that close as long as out siders did not get involved. We moved around a lot sometimes I wonder if that was not part of the reason why... so they could not find us. Not paranoia just a curiosity as an adult.

One thing I can tell you, I had my brain scanned that was so cool and I found out I was normal. What I am trying to say is doctors asked if I could get a scan done and there is no pressure, or fluid on my brain with everything properly connected.

On to my Priest hood. like I said after I died, I felt the calling for becoming a spiritual leader.  life happened and the gods were telling what path I needed to Go. with many years of personal studies and growth I had a bump in the right direction to find the universal life church and more education about multiple faiths/ regions so at that time I knew I was not just a witch, but a Gothi (a god speaker) and a full-blown pagan advocate for our pagan community in the United States and hopefully a good sponsor for around the world. At this time my life changed 100% positive toward family, friends and people in general. knowing you are on your personal path in life really sets everything into perspective. When I died in the river and came back, I hated being on this earth, and others showed that back at me including family. When I found my path, it was not understood, but I followed it any how despite the ridicule... then today here I am a great job, family, and a life I am Proud of.



Mike's Darkness

My true shame is how lazy I became while hiding my faith from the Christians while I grew, and I can not Be a Gothi/ High priest of any faith until I sharpen my skills back up. Until then I am proud to be the CEO and Part of the pagan community. If you consider   me a High priest I am honored and licensed to do your services for you, and will do all The duties You need and request of me. I will always be their for true pagan folks (my kindred). I am the first Priest of House of Pagan Pride Inc and am proud of that fact, that is why I except when people call me the high priest or Da (father) Yes, I am the Da of this house, and I will always do my best to serve you as my Kindred... Including tough love if needed.

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