We are not a church we are a coven and this is our history, what was your part in it? We can now get involved openly in the US Government and we will try to do so.

People we know do not come to us to be preached to or at. But we do have spiritual information when asked, this is what we have to keep in mind. We do not have a lot what we do have 

We as a people need to find our soulmates and grow through life When I found Lady Selene and we have been two souls in the night with a similar view point. We agreed after years of being together. We would open the coven to help people be who they are not who we want them to be. That means we live to be there for our community and making us better and grow within our selves. here are some of examples we have been noted for doing for our people  concealing all names until later. WE COME TO YOU... TO HELP WE  JUST  NEED A CALL  OR A TEXT AND THERE WE ARE.

We try to do anything we can to help our people and guess what if you are here. You are our people. If you can please tell us your story we would be grateful how we either helped you, or how you came to be with the House of Pagan Pride Inc. (we are not a food dispenser or second hand store.) We believe in paying it forward. Helping our kindred and clans. We do not do it for lining our pockets, because others need it more than we do, that is why we went non profit.

  • gave a place to shower and have a warm meal while doing there laundry.
  • visit folks (kindred to the coven) in the hospitals and nursing homes. Olma, marilyn, and other fallen kin and kindred we miss you.
  • giving food and supplies to people that needed it.
  • giving housing to those who felt they wanted our help.   
  • teaching about the lives of our fellow pagan heathen wiccan immigrants from our own land and from lands over the great water. (we are all immigrants now because our ways were stripped from all of us for generations. in that we are all one.) 
  • mending spirits as we go... not conforming just repairing and allowing them to grow on the path they choose to do. (I am not you , and you are not me … we all have a path, and we all need to find our own destiny.)
  • We love to be loved not to be perverse, our world as you know has tails of our kind that is false and we are trying to fix those issues as well. We are pagan an proud.
  • We are trying to prevent people to jail but we are trying also trying to get into the corrections facilities to help sooth a damaged soul.
  • Suicidal people some of "my passions", because they can't find a new way out of their inner fire. cutters, pills, burner, hangman server, gunners, drowning on prepose, or just mental health issues. if I can help it you will be safe.  WE LOVE YOU AND NEED YOU, AS LONG AS YOU BREATH COME HELP US, AND WE CAN HELP YOU GET THROUGH IT.  IF YOU TRULLY WANT IT, OUR HELP that is. 
  • The weddings and other things we charge for is what pays for our licensing and the people who works for you to make your life better as much as we can . 

we have been doing these things long before we even met so the idea was that in order to help us help the community we started the coven. We are now able to get government help in order to help in time of need with in the community.  We desire this to get known around the world, and anyone who is willing to give there testimony about how it happened for them. We are looking for capable people with the same duty to kin and kindred with the loyalty of the Gods to help us with the cause of helping the community so they may grow the way each person desire to grow. 

Obsidian (Sid for short)

The journey of spiritual and religious exploration is a deeply personal one, and it seems this young lady has embarked on a path that is both eclectic and comprehensive. Starting with the basics of witchcraft before reaching the traditional age of thirteen, she has shown a dedication to understanding the foundational aspects of her practice. Her transition into studying Greek and Roman deities, while also being supported in the Norse and Wiccan traditions, illustrates a broad and inclusive approach to pagan spirituality.

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Joe from California 

It's always exciting to welcome a new friend into the fold, especially someone like Joe who brings with him the vibrant spirit of California and an adventurous heart open to exploring new horizons. Joe's journey into the realm of tarot and rune readings over the phone marks a fascinating chapter in his life, one that seems to resonate deeply with his personal quest for direction and clarity. The accuracy of these readings in reflecting his life's current state and illuminating his path forward is truly remarkable, offering a blend of ancient wisdom and modern connectivity. As Joe sets up regular appointments for these sessions, it's clear that he's not just looking for answers, but also for growth and self-discovery. Each reading promises to be a step towards understanding the intricate tapestry of his life, and with every rune cast or card drawn, Joe might find himself drawing closer to the future he's meant to embrace. Whether it's weekly or at every opportune moment, these readings could become beacons of insight, guiding Joe as he navigates through the myriads of employment opportunities and life decisions ahead. It's a testament to the power of such practices in providing perspective, and for someone like Joe, who's on the cusp of new beginnings, this could be the key to unlocking a future full of potential and promise.


Tarot and rune readings are ancient practices that have captivated the human imagination for centuries, offering a unique blend of intuition, symbolism, and chance to provide guidance and insight. Tarot readings involve a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism, and story. The process begins with a question or area of life the seeker is curious about. The cards are then shuffled and drawn at random to create a spread. Each position in the spread represents a different aspect of the question or life situation. The reader interprets the cards based on their traditional meanings, the relationships between the cards, and their own intuitive insights, creating a narrative that can offer profound reflections on the seeker's question.

Rune readings, on the other hand, use stones or pieces of wood inscribed with symbols from the runic alphabet, which is linked to Norse mythology. Similar to tarot, the runes are cast or drawn to address a question or explore a situation. Each rune has a specific meaning, and when cast, their orientation and proximity to each other within the spread contribute to the overall interpretation. The reader combines knowledge of the runic meanings with their intuition to provide guidance and understanding for the seeker.

Both tarot and rune readings are deeply personal experiences that rely on the reader's ability to connect with the subconscious mind of the seeker. They are not about predicting a fixed future but rather about exploring potential outcomes and understanding the dynamics at play in one's life. These readings can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, decision-making, and personal growth, as they encourage individuals to look within and consider different perspectives on their life's journey. Whether it's through the rich, complex imagery of the tarot or the stark, powerful symbols of the runes, these practices continue to offer valuable insights to those who seek their wisdom. The beauty of tarot and rune readings lies in their ability to tap into the collective unconscious and bring to light the hidden truths of our inner worlds, providing a mirror for our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It's a dance between the known and the unknown, the conscious and the subconscious, the tangible and the mystical, making every reading a unique and enlightening adventure.

Fox/ Stephas Family (Kenai birth)

The birth of a child is a joyous occasion that extends beyond the immediate family, touching the hearts of the community at large. It's a time-honored tradition in many cultures to raise children with the support and guidance of a wider community, reinforcing the adage that "it takes a village to raise a child." This communal approach fosters a sense of belonging and shared responsibility, ensuring that the child grows up with a wealth of role models and a diverse array of influences. In this nurturing environment, every milestone and achievement are celebrated collectively, and every challenge is addressed with the combined wisdom and experience of the group. The bonds formed through this communal upbringing are strong and enduring, creating a network of support that lasts a lifetime. For Elizabeth Fox, becoming a grandparent heralds a new chapter in this communal narrative, as she welcomes her grandson into the fold. Michael James, as the father, along with Kenai Stephas and the child's mother's name is Isis, are united by this shared commitment to their child's well-being and development. Together, they embody the spirit of collective guardianship, ensuring that their child, and all children in their care, are imbued with the values, traditions, and sense of identity that are cherished by their community. This philosophy of communal child-rearing is a testament to the interconnectedness of human lives and the enduring power of community. It's a practice that enriches not just the children, but every member of the community, creating a tapestry of relationships that supports and uplifts everyone involved. As the young ones grow and learn within this framework, they carry forward the legacy of unity and shared purpose, ready to contribute to the community that has so lovingly contributed to their upbringing.

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Tim and family

Advocacy for religious beliefs is a significant aspect of ensuring the rights and freedoms of individuals are respected and upheld. About three months ago in the case of Tim and his family, who hold Norse Wiccan beliefs, having an advocate can be crucial in environments where their practices might be misunderstood or not accommodated, such as the Muskegon County Jail system. The role of an advocate in such situations is to facilitate communication, educate the involved parties about the specific religious practices, and negotiate for the rights of the individuals to practice their religion freely and safely. This can include arranging for religious materials, (In Muskegon they only allow reading material, no coven tools. The Chaplin there has help them to get approval for hat he can have in the years that he is there) ensuring the ability to observe religious holidays and providing a connection to the religious community outside of the jail. The main office in Traverse City, Michigan, would likely coordinate these efforts, working closely with local authorities to ensure that Tim and his family's religious rights are not infringed upon while in the jail system. It's a testament to the diversity and freedom of religious expression that is valued in society, and the work done by advocates is a cornerstone in protecting these fundamental human rights.

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The importance of advocacy in supporting individuals through challenging times cannot be overstated. When people face situations where they are separated from their loved ones, their community, or are unable to practice their personal beliefs, the role of an advocate becomes crucial. Advocates provide a voice for those who may feel voiceless and offer support where it's most needed. They stand in the corner of those who are struggling, offering not just companionship but also fighting for their rights and needs.

Visiting friends or family members who are confined, be it in hospitals, jails, or even at home, is a profound act of kindness. It's a gesture that acknowledges their struggles and offers them a sense of normalcy and connection to the outside world. Such visits can have a significant positive impact on their mental and emotional well-being. It's an expression of solidarity, showing them that they are not forgotten and that there are people who care.

However, it's recognized that taking the step to be present for someone in these circumstances can be challenging. It requires time, emotional strength, and sometimes, overcoming personal discomfort. Yet, those who do so are often held in high regard, seen as pillars of strength and compassion within their communities. They set an example for others to follow, demonstrating the power of human connection and the difference one person can make in another's life.

Supporting people in confinement is not just about the physical presence; it's about the message it sends. It tells the person that their life has value, that they are worthy of attention and care. It's a reminder to them that despite the barriers they face, they are still part of a community that values them. This support can be a lifeline in times of despair, a beacon of hope that encourages them to look forward to better days.

In essence, being there for someone—whether it's through advocacy, visits, or simply showing that you care—can be transformative. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the bonds that hold us together. In a world where individual struggles can be isolating, these acts of support and kindness reaffirm our shared humanity and the strength that comes from community and connection. Advocacy and support are not just acts of individual compassion; they are the threads that weave the fabric of a caring society.