Rev. Elizebeth Fox regional Priestess for House of Pagan Pride Inc. (non-profit) " religious organization/coven"

Elizebeth has felt the call to help others her whole life to the point of possibly hurting herself. She has a very open heart and a desire to help others in the community agape loving with total heart. She has a lot of Christian background and still chooses to walk along the pagan path because of her American Indian up bringing.  Many people in her area call her mamma, because of the nurturing nature she has.

Elizebeth is a minister covering The Entire Manistee County Region as a Priestess of House of Pagan Pride Inc. and minister of Universal Life Church.



there is More info to come... 

Elizibeth certificate of service with the u.l.c.

House of Pagan pride Inc. (non-profit)

CEO’s Rev. Michael and Rev. Selene Grewe

116 S. West Silver Lake Road

Traverse City, Mi. 49685   

Main office phones: (231)252-2165

On this date of    03/10/2023

    I Rev. Michael Grewe declare that Rev. Elizabeth Fox is in good standings with the House of Pagan Pride Inc. and Elizabeth has followed all the guidelines we have set for her. We have great pride in what Elizabeth is doing now and plans to do in the future.  As a pagan Priestess for Manistee County Region, Elizabeth is granted by the board at House of Pagan Pride Inc. (non-profit) the title Regional Priestess of Manistee County. Elizabeth can perform minister services and assist with spiritual teaching online by guiding others to our pagan pages to get the information they need.

    Elizabeth is a minister who is licensed through the Universal Life Church to do ceremonies and other services. We do not put limitations on service types, we are an all-faith kind of coven/church. Location, type of ceremony, requirements, and expectations will be discussed before any agreement is made. (Within our parameters and guidelines.) What we are saying is that we vouch for her as a minister. Elizabeth is granted all the rights and responsibilities of the coven as a coven Priestess.

   I Rev. Michael Grewe have known of her for quite a while, and I can tell you she is a learned individual, kind in heart, and respectful to others at all times. One of her goals is to lift the human spirit to the path it needs to be on. Elizabeth is currently just working for the coven and collecting SSD. She does as much as she can within her physical limitations. Elizabeth has a paralegal education under her belt and has had it for many years. She has been known to house unfortunate souls that were in awkward positions and in need of assistance. We stand behind the decisions Elizabeth has made so far. Elizabeth has come to us about starting an A.A. and N.A. group in her area. I would be proud to have her sponsor it as one of our ministers. Elizabeth is into the rehab of humans in their personal growth after getting scarred. I guess you could say mending their spirit where it is bruised.

    Elizabeth is walking three paths in her life so we try to support her as best as we can because she has been an inspiration to us and how things are done. Elizabeth was raised in the ways of the Native American, Christian (which comes through when she is contemplating something), and she tries to follow her sons chosen path of paganism (I would call that a pagan/Christian). Elizabeth has been doing this for many years, since before her first son. Elizabeth has knowledge of many paths, and can help many people, so we at the House of Pagan Pride Inc. (non-profit) support her.

Elizabeth has two biological children, so you know she has experience in dealing with lots of drama. I feel children are a great training tool as you grow in your own spirit. They will test you often, and you will find out truly who your gods are.

    We at House of Pagan Pride Inc. allow Elizabeth to give or refuse permission into her area by visiting ministers. We also expect that she is helping the community by starting programs in her area through the coven, to up lift and help those in need. If you take her on as your spiritual advisor, I am proud to say you are getting a great human being.

We at the House of Pagan Pride Inc. (non-profit) thank you very much for your time and energy. We hope you have a very blessed day. May you be blessed as well as you are blessing others.

Thank You my dear friends:

CEO Rev. Michael Grewe
