Not all the views stated on this page are the view point of our group. These are stories and thought of people in this life style stated here. We are open and excepting to most people and it may be confusing, but to let you know we do believe in equality weather it is gay, straight, bi, even trans, or even all those other categories that people just don't talk about. We may not know about "your" sexuality and we ask that your sexuality is not pushed on others. We want you to tell your story, and let people know what is out there to look at, but please do not push, not all people are open minded that is why we say it here and it stays here.


I'm so proud of my daughter for being honest and open about her identity. She told me she identifies as straight and monogamous, and I think that's wonderful. She's only 16, but she's already thinking about her future and what she wants from life. In Michigan, 16 is the legal age for sexual consent, but I trust her to make smart and safe decisions. She has the support of both her moms and me, no matter what. We love her unconditionally, whether she's straight, gay, or anything else. We know that people can change over time, and we respect that. She's our daughter, and we're always here for her.

One of the life lessons that the druid teaches is that a person has three aspects of their identity. The first aspect is how they perceive themselves, their self-image and self-esteem. The second aspect is how others view them, their reputation and social status. The third aspect is who they really are, their true nature and essence. These three aspects may not always be aligned or consistent, and the druid encourages people to seek harmony and balance among them.

we are now excepting more stories from you... please.

I have been informed that I belong to the LGBTQ2+ community, which is a diverse and inclusive group of people who identify with different sexual orientations and gender identities. My family has been very supportive of me and each other, and they have embraced this community as well. They have shown me love, acceptance and respect, and I am grateful for their kindness and understanding. My wife and I are polyfadelital so we are added to the list. I also give that same love and respect back to them. This paragraph explains how our coven operates on the principles of mutual respect and dignity among all members. We value each other's contributions and support each other's growth and development. We do not tolerate any form of disrespect, discrimination or harassment in our coven. We are a united and harmonious group that strives to uphold these values in everything we do.

confusion about who you are can you clear that up

As a leader of our coven/ community I personally do not know a lot about the subject. Can you please enlighten me? personally I am from an older generation and all these new terms had not been brought out yet. We have a great couple of gals that should be coming soon to give us there insight. there names are not important but we need you to understand we support them and they support us in our walks of life's.


When I was younger, I was never taught these terms, and we need to keep our young people informed so they know what they are informed about. I found out late in life and I can tell you that had I known the information, my life would have been so different. 

Polyfedelital is a term that refers to a person who is faithful to multiple partners in a polyamorous relationship. Polyamorous means having more than one romantic or sexual partner at the same time, with the consent and knowledge of all parties involved. Poly quell is a term that describes a person who is satisfied with their current number of partners and does not seek new ones. Poly saturated is a term that indicates a person who has reached their limit of partners and cannot handle any more. Meta more is a term that denotes a partner of one's partner, who is not directly involved with oneself. These words are LGBTQ2+ supported and this links us with that group of people. (It is not the 70s anymore, there is actual names for everything.)