
Published on 21 March 2024 at 11:03

there is more to read below the pictures.

Poly acceptance and understanding of the world around you.

Laws of duality:

In the realm of mathematics and philosophy, the laws of duality refer to the principle that every mathematical or logical expression is associated with a corresponding dual expression. This concept is often visualized in terms of pairs that are opposites, yet complementary, such as light and darkness, positive and negative, or male and female. These dualities are fundamental in various fields, including geometry, where every theorem possesses a dual counterpart, and Boolean algebra, where every operation can be replaced by its dual to yield equivalent results. The laws of duality remind us that for many aspects of life and science, one element cannot exist without its counterpart, providing a comprehensive understanding of the nature of existence.

thoughts of multiple duality:

Duality often implies a binary system of opposition or contrast, such as light and dark, or good and evil. However, this concept can be expanded beyond just two opposing forces. There is often a third party or more involved that plays a crucial role in guiding, teaching, and loving within this framework. This third element can represent balance, wisdom, or an intermediary force that helps navigate the complexities of duality. It can be seen as a mentor figure or a nurturing presence that provides insight and support as one traverses the challenging terrain of opposing forces. This expanded view of duality acknowledges that life is not merely black and white but includes a spectrum of experiences and influences that contribute to our growth and understanding.


The concept of sanity and insanity, often represented as a duality, has intrigued philosophers, psychologists, and artists for centuries. This dichotomy delves into the depths of human consciousness, exploring the fine line between what is considered normal and abnormal behavior. The duality of sanity and insanity can be seen as a spectrum, where everyone’s mental state can fluctuate based on various factors such as stress, environment, and genetics. Historically, society has labeled those who deviate from the norm as 'crazy,' yet it is this very deviation that sometimes leads to extraordinary creativity and innovation. The interplay between these two states raises questions about the nature of reality and perception, challenging us to reconsider our definitions of mental health.


Every major religion in the world has grappled with the concept of duality, often presenting it as a fundamental aspect of human experience and spiritual understanding. Duality can refer to good and evil, light and darkness, physical and spiritual, or a myriad of other opposing forces that are believed to exist in balance or conflict within the universe. This dichotomy is central to many theological and philosophical discussions, as it raises questions about the nature of existence, the problem of suffering, and the path to enlightenment or salvation. Whether through the Yin and Yang of Taoism, the God and Satan of Christianity, or the Brahman and Maya of Hinduism, duality is a recurring theme that reflects the complexities of life and the challenges of moral decision-making.

Zeus, the king of the gods in Greek mythology, had numerous nemeses throughout various myths. These adversaries ranged from titans like Cronus, whom he overthrew to become the ruler of Olympus, to giants like Typhon, who challenged his authority. Other notable enemies included Prometheus, who defied Zeus by giving fire to humanity, and Hera, his wife, who often contested his decisions and authority. Each nemesis brought forth different challenges that Zeus had to overcome, reflecting the complex nature of his character and the dynamics of power within the pantheon of Greek gods.

In Norse mythology, Odin, the All father of the gods, faces numerous adversaries. Among them are the frost giants, led by Jotunheim's king, Thrym, who once stole Thor's hammer to extort the gods into giving him Freyja's hand in marriage. Another formidable enemy is the cunning Loki, a trickster god who causes endless trouble for the Aesir with his shapeshifting and deceitful schemes. The most significant of Odin's foes is the wolf Fenrir, one of Loki's children, prophesied to slay Odin during Ragnarök, the end of the world. These nemeses embody chaos and destruction, challenging Odin, and the divine order he represents.


Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is often depicted as a figure of peace and enlightenment, transcending all forms of evil and suffering. In the context of his teachings, the concept of 'nemeses' does not align with the philosophy he espoused. Instead, Buddha taught about overcoming 'Mara', which represents the challenges and temptations that distract one from the path to enlightenment. Mara can be considered a nemesis in this spiritual journey, embodying greed, hatred, and delusion. These are the obstacles that Buddha overcame during his quest for enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, leading to his ultimate realization and the sharing of his wisdom with others.

The concept of yin and yang originates from ancient Chinese philosophy, where it represents the idea of dualism in the natural world. Yin and yang are considered complementary, interconnected, and interdependent forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts. According to this philosophy, everything has both yin and yang aspects, which either oppose or complement each other; for example, shadow cannot exist without light. Yin is often symbolized by water, earth, femininity, and the moon, characterized by darkness, passivity, and absorption. Yang is symbolized by fire, sky, masculinity, and the sun, and is associated with brightness, activity, and penetration. The yin-yang symbol illustrates the balance between these two forces with a portion of yin in yang and a portion of yang in yin. This duality is thought to exist in endless cycles where one force dominates and then is replaced by the opposing force in a natural flow.

Christian belief system & many others sprouting up vs. duality:

In many philosophical and religious traditions, heaven and hell are viewed as two opposing realms with earth existing between them, embodying a duality of experiences and possibilities. Heaven is often depicted as a place of eternal peace, happiness, and communion with the divine, while hell is portrayed as a realm of punishment, suffering, and separation from goodness. Earth, then, serves as the battleground where individuals exercise free will to navigate between these extremes, shaping their destinies through actions and choices. This duality underscores the human journey, reflecting the contrasting aspects of existence and the profound impact of moral and ethical decisions.

With out the third-party Christians cannot exist because it takes heaven, hell and the humans that believes. Yet Polyamory is not understood from them by their own holy books.


Magic and duality how it work.

Exploring the concept of duality within systems, one might ponder the existence of a certain kind of 'magic'—a term often used metaphorically to describe the extraordinary or inexplicable. In the context of duality, this magic can be interpreted as the harmonious balance and interplay between two opposing forces or elements that, together, create a system greater than the sum of its parts. The duality system is prevalent in various forms across nature, philosophy, and science. For instance, in physics, wave-particle duality reveals that light and matter exhibit properties of both waves and particles, a concept that has led to groundbreaking understandings in quantum mechanics. In Eastern philosophy, Yin and Yang represent interconnected and counterbalancing forces that flow in natural cycles, always seeking equilibrium. This 'magic' is not of the supernatural kind but is rather a testament to the complexity and elegance of the universe's design—where opposing elements coexist, interact, and depend on each other to bring forth balance and functionality.


In the realm of human relationships, the concept of partners embodies the essence of duality. It is a dynamic interplay of two distinct individuals who come together to form a cohesive unit. This partnership can manifest in various forms, from the personal bonds of friendship and love to the professional alliances in business and academia. The strength of a partnership often lies in the complementary nature of duality; where one individual may excel, the other provides balance through their unique strengths and perspectives. Together, partners navigate the complexities of life, leveraging their dual capabilities to overcome challenges and achieve common goals. In essence, duality within partnerships is not about opposition but about harmony, where the sum is greater than its parts.

A real friend embodies the concept of duality in many ways. They are the person who celebrates your successes with genuine joy and stands by you during your failures with unwavering support. This duality reflects the balance of positive and negative experiences in life, and a true friend understands this balance is essential for growth. They offer a shoulder to cry on and a hand to high-five, embodying both empathy and encouragement. The duality of a real friend also lies in their ability to provide honest feedback while also accepting you as you are, flaws and all. They navigate the delicate dance between honesty and kindness, ensuring that their words uplift rather than wound. In essence, a real friend appreciates the complexity of human emotions and experiences, recognizing that life is not always black or white but often a shade of grey.

Marriage represents a union that often embodies the concept of duality—two distinct individuals coming together to form a single, cohesive partnership. This duality is not just a merging of two lives but also the blending of different cultures, traditions, and values. It is a delicate balance where both parties learn to harmonize their differences and embrace their unique identities within the relationship. The duality within marriage can be seen as a dynamic interplay of give and take, support and independence, and compromise and assertiveness. It is about finding equilibrium where both individuals feel valued and heard, allowing for personal growth alongside mutual development. As society evolves, so does the understanding of marriage's duality, reflecting an ever-growing appreciation for diversity within unity.

The concept of duality in the context of a husband and wife can be explored through various lenses, such as psychological, sociological, and philosophical. Psychologically, duality may refer to the complementary nature of the husband and wife's personalities and traits, which can create a balanced and harmonious relationship. Sociologically, it can reflect the roles and responsibilities that society often attributes to husbands and wives, sometimes reinforcing traditional stereotypes but also evolving with modern views on gender equality. Philosophically, duality can delve into the existential aspects of human partnerships, pondering the interconnectedness of two individuals who, while maintaining their distinct identities, unite to form a singular entity in marriage. This multifaceted exploration reveals that duality is not just about contrast but also about the intricate dance of unity and individuality within a marital bond.

Good vs. Evil

The concept of good and evil represents a classic duality that has been a subject of philosophical, moral, and theological debate for centuries. This dichotomy is often depicted as two opposing forces that are inherent in human nature and the universe. Good is typically associated with virtues such as kindness, compassion, and altruism, while evil is linked to vices like greed, hatred, and cruelty. The interplay between good and evil can be observed in literature, mythology, and religious texts, where it serves as a central theme that shapes the moral framework of societies. Understanding this duality is crucial as it influences our perception of morality, ethics, and justice.

When we talk about neutrality, we usually mean a state of impartiality, a position that is not inclined to either good or evil. However, when we consider good and evil as opposites, neutrality seems to become the third element in a triad that is neither good nor evil. In this triad, neutrality provides a platform for both good and evil to exist, but not entirely to either side. It is a position of observation and evaluation that allows us to understand the nature of good and evil from a broader perspective. Therefore, in a neutral existence, good and evil can indeed coexist, but their forms of existence may be different because they are both influenced and conditioned by the power of neutrality.



Relationships of multiple love and how it combines with duality.

Quads and triads in relationships refer to structures where four or three individuals, respectively, are involved in a mutual relationship. These arrangements differ from the traditional duality of a two-person relationship and can offer a unique dynamic where multiple individuals share emotional, romantic, or sexual bonds. The success of quads and triads, like any relationship, hinges on clear communication, consent, and established boundaries among all parties involved.

Quads and triads in relationships refer to structures where four or three individuals, respectively, are involved in a mutual relationship. These arrangements differ from the traditional duality of a two-person relationship and can offer a unique dynamic where multiple individuals share emotional, romantic, or sexual bonds. The success of quads and triads, like any relationship, hinges on clear communication, consent, and established boundaries among all parties involved. When any number of humans or creatures of nature come together, it represents a convergence of spirit and energy. This gathering can be seen as a tapestry woven from diverse threads of existence, each contributing its unique essence to the collective whole. Such unions are often celebrated in various cultures and spiritual traditions, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life forms. The concept of duality arises when considering the juxtaposition of individuality against unity; it is the dance between the singular and the plural, where each entity maintains its distinct identity while simultaneously contributing to the synergy of the group. This duality does not imply opposition but rather a harmonious balance that underscores the complexity and beauty of life's interrelations. Which puts us back to the mono vs. poly argument and the Government is ruled with a mono state of control… Life deals in multiples and they cannot handle it so they teach jealousy, fear, and hate.


Twins and how relate in this.

Identical twins embody the fascinating concept of duality within a single genetic blueprint. They are natural clones, sharing 100% of their DNA, yet each twin is a distinct individual with unique experiences and perspectives. This duality presents a compelling study in how environment and personal choices shape our identities. Despite their genetic mirror images, identical twins can exhibit differences in personality, interests, and even health profiles. These variations highlight the complex interplay between genetics and environment, a duality that continues to intrigue scientists and laypeople alike.

In family dynamics, the role of parentals is pivotal in shaping the structure and interactions within the unit. In a scenario where twins are present, parentals often act as the neutral party, balancing attention, and resources between the two siblings, ensuring equity and harmony. This dynamic shifts notably in a single parent figure scenario, transforming into what can be termed a triad family unit. Here, the single parental figure forms a triangle with the twins, where the dynamics of support and authority flow in a three-point system. Conversely, when both parents are actively involved, the family structure takes on a quad formation. This four-point relational framework typically allows for a more distributed and robust support system, where parental roles and responsibilities are shared, potentially leading to a more stable and nurturing environment for the twins.


In music theory, quads and triads refer to chords that consist of four and three notes respectively. The concept of duality within these chords emerges from their ability to create harmonic balance and tension within a composition. Triads, the simplest chord structure, are foundational in Western music and consist of a root note, a third, and a fifth. These three notes can be played in different inversions and combinations to evoke various emotions and resolutions. Quads, on the other hand, add an additional note, typically a seventh, which introduces a new layer of complexity and richness to the harmony. The duality between quads and triads lies in their interplay; while triads offer clear, stable harmonies, quads provide depth and dissonance that can lead to more dynamic progressions. Understanding the duality between these chord structures is essential for composers and musicians looking to enrich their musical vocabulary.


Duality at its finest... you know they will never be alone.

You people do not understand as twin we are not alone ever. they share our dates and more, so when you say monogamy. I think what is this and who are you? That will never happen for me my family showed me that. I will never be anything but polyamorous lifestyle. My brother Chose monogamous life stye. 

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